Brenda Shoss and Alex Graff protest US Bank's bailout loan to criminal animal testing lab, Huntingdon Life Sciences. (c) Kinship Circle


Nat'l Protests

Brenda Shoss and Alex Graff protest US Bank's bailout loan to criminal animal testing lab, Huntingdon Life Sciences. (c) Kinship Circle Brenda Shoss and Alex Graff protest US Bank's bailout loan to criminal animal testing lab, Huntingdon Life Sciences. (c) Kinship Circle



Fight: HLS • Seal Hunt

HLS • Seals

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Stand By Animals

Brenda Shoss at Kinship Circle exhibit with Mandy, Libby, Etelah, Mabel

Animal Rights Conference + Demos Against Huntingdon Life Sciences & Namibia Seal Hunt

The SHAC 7 are arrested under AETA for formerly legal activism
Lauren Gazzola is free after 52 months of wrongful imprisonment
Washington DC » National Animal Rights Conference. Nearly 1,100 people attemd AR2013 at Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, by Washington DC, June 27 - 30. People travel from 44 states, 15 other countries…to learn, network, and fight for animal liberation. Kinship Circle Disaster Field Response Manager Cheri Deatsch works with KC volunteers Dan Robinson, Meg York, Jocelyn York and Grady Ballard at our display booth. They distribute animal education and advocacy literature, also available on our website, free for all to download! Also hanging out at Kinship Circle's booth, director Brenda Shoss’ canine kids: Etelah, Liberty, Mabel and Mandy.

Kinship Circle » Is An AR Conference Sponsor. The group's director, Brenda Shoss, creates this half page animal rights ad for the AR Conference program booklet. Kinship Circle Board Member Nora Constance Marino, attorney and activist, is among hundreds of speakers at AR2013. Brenda Shoss presents about Kinship Circle Disaster Animal Response team, plus recent aid for Oklahoma tornado animal victims, Cheri Deatsch, Kinship Circle Field Response Manager on the ground, contributes to this presentation. Brenda also speaks on panels about animal experimentation and direct action.

6/28/13, Lessons From Companion Campaigns
  • Will Gomaa, Alley Cat Allies
  • Scotlund Haisley, Animal Rescue Corps
  • Doll Stanley, In Defense Of Animals
  • Brenda Shoss, Kinship Circle

6/28/13, Lessons From Vivisection Campaigns
6/29/13, Applying Direct Action
  • Susan Hartland, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
  • Andy Stepanian, Sparrow Media Project; Former SHAC-7 Prisoner
  • Peter Young, Animal Liberation Frontline
  • Brenda Shoss, Kinship Circle / MOVIE: The Campaign That Changed Everything ~ SHAC USA

  • Who Is Huntingdon Life Sciences?
    • 1999: SHAC-UK begins global effort to end Huntingdon Life Sciences
    • 2001: SHAC-USA forms
    • 5/26/04: 6 SHAC leaders (and SHAC-USA) are indicted by a New Jersey federal grand jury under the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, an obscure law to protect animal-use profits.
    • In 2006, all SHAC-USA defendants are imprisoned.
      Kevin Kjonaas: 72 months
      Lauren Gazzola: 52 months
      Jacob Conroy: 48 months
      Andrew Stepanian: 36 months
      Darius Fullmer: 12 months, 1 day
      Joshua Harper: 36 months

    Lauren Gazzola is a former SHAC-7 prisoner, wrongfully imprisoned under the unconstitutional Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. I hadn't seen or spoken to Lauren since she was jailed in 2006… Until AR2013. I cried, as I knew I would the first time I encountered Lauren, Kevin or Jake after release. Seeing Lauren back in her life is the best moment, for me, at this conference.

    Brenda ShossKinship Circle Director

    Huntingdon Life Sciences is among the world's largest animal testing labs, with sites in the U.K. and New Jersey, USA. HLS kills an average 500 animals each day. To test pesticides, fertilizers, household goods, additives, GMOs, chemicals… Animals vomit, stagger, hyper-salivate, seize and collapse. They're surgically mutilated and cry from the pain of clumsily jabbed needles. Dogs, monkeys, cats, rabbits, pigs, mice, goats and more animals are poisoned by: nasal-gastric tube, forced inhalation, injection. All are killed for tests HLS itself has called: “Only reliable 5-25% of the time.” Multiple investigations have exposed HLS for:
    • Violation of the U.S. Animal Welfare Act
    • Arrest of personnel on animal cruelty charges
    • 600+ infringements of Good Laboratory Practice Laws in U.K.
    • Payoffs to the U.S. Agriculture Department for fraudulent records, animal welfare violations…

    1997 – Present: Leaked papers, staff testimonials, and undercover video show cruelty and inept science at HLS and its breeders. HLS has nearly closed, while straddled with a $100 million debt. But some financier always seems to bail them out. Currently, a $120 million US Bank loan sustains HLS. Though given proof of animal abuse and fraudulent records, US Bank backs this loan.

  • Kinship Circle Joins National Protest Aginst Us Bank & HLS
    What › Protest US Bank For Sustaining HLS With $120 Million Loan
    Where › Washington DC, Executive Offices on Connecticut Ave
    Original Action Alert › Target U.S. Bank: HLS Lender Lets Lab Keep Killing

    Kinship Circle members march with activists from around the U.S., for a national protest against US Bank — currently the top debt relief source for Huntingdon Life Sciences. As a primary financial lender to HLS, U.S. Bank keeps the corrupt animal testing lab open for business. We leaflet with Kinship Circle's pamphlet, Huntingdon Life Sciences: Caught. You can download Caught and other fact-based literature about animal experimentation to pass out in your own city. Other activist seen in slideshow: Members of DC-based D.A.R.T.T., the group that organized the demo against U.S. Bank for bankrolling HLS with with a $120 million loan. Alex Graff, of Alliance For Medical Progress, an anti-vivisection group leading the campaign to end cat intubation drills for pediatric training at Washington University in St. Louis. Kinship Circle's Meg York and Jocelyn York, who document and photograph Kinship Circle events for website and social media. Michael Budkie, founder of Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN). And many more…
At Cape Cross, a mother Cape fur seal nurses her puppy
Nursing African fur seal pups are clubbed so violently, milk oozes from their mouths
The Namibia seal hunt requires a pup be head-clubbed and knifed in the chest
Namibia seal pups have been observed alive as hunters slash open their chests
  • Kinship Circle Protests Namibia Seal Slaughter
    What › Protest World's Second Largest Seal Massacre
    Where › Washington DC, Republic of Namibia Embassy
    Related Action › Ask Namibia To End This Violent Seal Slaughter Now

    Namibia Seal Slaughter Protest: While in Washington DC, Kinship Circle also joins activists from D.A.R.T.T., Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and others to protest the world's second largest (after Canada) seal slaughter. Nursing Cape fur seals are are clubbed so violently, mother's milk oozes from their mouths as they slowly die. Namibia is the sole nation to allow slaughter of nursing pups, who are yanked from mothers to fatally bludgeon and stab alongside one another. Panic sweeps through breeding colonies as seals brace for daily brutalization during the culls. Pregnant females are so traumatized, some self-abort. Scientists consider Namibia's hunt the cruelest on earth. Some 86,000 seals are killed for markets in Australia and Asia.

ACT: Save Nam Seals

Save Nam Seals

1 SEND COMMENTS TO NAMIBIAN OFFICIALS. Namibia is the lone nation in the Southern hemisphere that still conducts seal “harvesting”. The country joins Canada and Greenland as the last regions to hunt seals for commercial revenue. Namibia exported some 400,000 seal pelts from 2005 to 2015. Namibia's Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources sets a yearly hunt quota, 80,000 Cape fur seal pups, plus 6,000 bulls (2023). But more are likely killed as hunt regulations are ignored and weakly enforced. What is the point of an annual spectacle of violence? Seal hunt profits pale in comparison to other Namibian industries such as seal watching and tourism. Tell authorities that the Namibian seal cull — the world's second largest (after Canada) slaughter of seals — is inhumane, illegal, unsustainable and must end now.

Namibia Ombudsman
  • Lodge A Complaint
  • Office Of The Ombudsman, Basilius Dyakugha
    Private Bag 13211, Corner of Feld and Lossen Streets
    Windhoek, Namibia
    ph: +264 61 2073 111 • fax: +264 61 22 05 50

Namibia Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Ministry Of Environmental Forestry + Tourism
ph: +264 61 284 2111
Hon. Minister Pohamba Penomwenyo Shifeta, MEFT Namibia:
web comments: submit online

2 HOW TO EMAIL YOUR COMMENTS. Copy sample letter below. Paste it into an email. Change some words to personalize your comments, which has more meaning and impact for recipients. Type your full name, address, phone number and email address (optional) and country at end of the letter. Then copy email addresses related to this letter. Paste them into the TO: line of the email. Send message from your email inbox.,,,, graca.d’,,,

Honorable Officials of Namibia:

I am stunned that Namibian officials still permit the yearly hunt of some 80,000 Cape fur seals pups, along with 6000 bulls whose genitalia are sold as “aphrodisiac potions” in Asian markets (even though scientifically legitimate treatments already exist). Namibia is the sole nation to allow slaughter of nursing pups, who are yanked from mothers to fatally bludgeon and stab alongside one another.

In fact, nursing pups are clubbed so violently, mother's milk oozes from their mouths as they die. Panic sweeps through breeding colonies as seals brace for daily brutalization during the culls. Pregnant females are so traumatized, some self-abort. Scientists consider Namibia's hunt the cruelest on earth. I've viewed photographic evidence of this cruelty and cannot visit Namibia until the Cape fur seal slaughter ends for good.

In addition, public reports describe massive seal die-offs in recent years — a repercussion, in part, from overfishing. CITES now lists Cape fur seals as a “threatened species.” Rather than cull or commercially slaughter yet more seals, Namibian government policy should shift to conservation. With oceans imperiled worldwide, fishers may struggle to meet (often exorbitant) quotas. Excessive, illicit and adverse fishing actions impair habit and breeding areas. Climate crises and marine contamination also threaten ecosystems.

Fishery depletion is not the fault of seals, whose numbers are stable or in recovery/decline phases. When South Africa banned seal culls in 1990, its fisheries didn't collapse in the presence of seals. Namibia stands alone in its commercial hunt of Cape fur seal colonies in Cape Cross and Wolf/Atlas Bay.

I oppose animal cruelty and will advise others to join me in a boycott of Namibian tourism and goods until the insensible slaughter Cape fur seals stops.



Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all hurt by greed, cruelty and hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

ST. LOUIS MO 63130

TAX-DEDUCT ID20-5869532


In kinship, not dominion, each individual is seen. We do not use the rhetoric of slavery. To define animals as unique beings Guardian, Caregive, Him/Her/They… replace Owner, Own, It… Until moral equity and justice serve all — no one is free.