AR Research

FactsTo Build Your Case

  1. Find Clues In The News
    Carefully read legitimate news to extract clues about whom has the power to sway outcome for animals. For example, extract the name of a District Attorney and/or county that presides where a crime occurred. If news coverage identifies a company that tests on animals, record names of CEOs, pertinent staff and spokespeople. For government agencies that abuse animals, copy the agency's name and any titled staff mentioned in the article. Save your clues list as a base to search for contact info. Google key words or names to find more credible news about the same case. Always record the link to each news story used!

  2. Get Info From Animal Groups
    A good overview may come from animal organizations that have investigated or extensively documented an issue. PETA's undercover probes inside research labs have exposed audio-visual evidence of animal cruelty law violations. Wild animal groups chronicle abuse such as the Canadian seal hunt, slaughter of northwestern gray wolves or Yellowstone buffalo, with timely data and ways to take action. But don't write a novel…
    • Record data applicable to the alert at hand.
    • Verify decision-maker contact information!
    • Record an animal group's name and URL.
    • Record contact info for group reps.

  3. Call Sources To Get Facts
    When digital searches fail to uncover solid contact info or verify claims, you may need to phone parties related to the action campaign.
    • Communicate politely and professionally. If contacts become agitated, you won't get solid facts from them.
    • Do not mention Kinship Circle. Identify as a concerned citizen.

  4. View Abuse In Person
    If animal cruelty occurs in your area, consider video and photos at/near the scene.
    • You agree to act in compliance with all local/federal laws.
    • You agree to act on your own recognizance and that Kinship Circle is not responsible for injury, fines, or other legal consequences.
    • You are responsible for any medical expenses.

Even if evidence reveals clear animal abuse, comments and demands must target the right people — or activists are just blowing off steam. A campaign also falls flat if it lists incorrect contact information for recipients.

Example: Find For Each Target

  • First & Last Name: The Honorable Thomas Vilsack
  • Title: U.S. Secretary Of Agriculture
  • Company Or Agency: U.S. Department Of Agriculture

  • Street Address: 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
    City, State, Zip: Washington, DC 20250
    Country: USA

  • Phone: 202-720-7100, 202-720-2791

  • Digital Contacts:
    Jewel Bronaugh, Deputy Secretary, USDA:

  • File Animal Welfare Complaint
  • Whistleblower Hotline
  • USDA-APHIS Public Search Tool

  • Source Of Information:

Search Tips

  1. Where Should I Start?
    Review the methods under Background Facts to Build a Case. If you've followed these guidelines, you have a list of names and clues about who can influence outcomes for animals. Below are tactics for finding their contact information.
    • Find A Primary Website For The Contact Person. Google a name/title to find a person's main website affiliation. Get all contact info listed and record the site's URL. Look for key words: Contact, Feedback, Directory, Locations, Customer Service, etc. Record email addresses you may not use (press people, admin aides) — to see how emails are configured.
    • Search Various Name/Title Configurations For The Same Person. For Example:
      The Honorable Patricia Jessamy
      Baltimore City State's Attorney Office
      Office of State's Attorney in Baltimore

  2. Email-Suffix Lookup
    Valid email addresses are essential. Automated letters do not work without them. Most activists will never call or mail comments. But they will email their comments. If you find an email suffix related to a contact, Google that suffix to see if it leads you to the person you want (or other useful emails). For example:
    • Note the email suffix for Nepal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs ends in
    • Google to try to locate more key officials in this ministry.
    • Do not record email addresses that are over one year old! Check the publish date shown on most web pages. You may find more invalid emails than current addys that actually work. Nothing generates more complaints to us than bouncing emails.

  3. Email Address Reverse Lookup
    Perhaps you've confirmed some emails, but still need a targeted contact's street address, phone, webmail or social media links.
    • Google a valid email address until you find timely sources for the rest of a person's contact information.
    • New search results may uncover more pertinent decision-makers and their contact information.
    • For example, Google a fur retailer's customer service email. Your search brings up investor relations emails for the same company. Follow those leads to dig for CEO or board member contact info.
    • Phone Or Address Reverse Lookup. Same concept as email reverse lookup above. Google the phone/address info you have, to both confirm it and find more digital ways to contact a recipient.

  4. Find Contacts In Unexpected Places
    You may stumble upon email, phone, social media… buried in docs linked to a contact's business or agency. Check out these type files:
    • Press releases.
    • Board or meeting notes.
    • Attendee rosters from conferences or other events.
    • Other related docs (pamphlets, brochures) that may list contact info.

    If you can't find the person you want, but notice a colleague's email — search that email suffix, such as: A document may show related staff emails (public information officer, top aide, vice president, deputy chief) that we can also use in action campaigns.

Researcher Form: To Submit Notes
Use of this form is optional. However, please review it as a guideline for how to organize your research notes before submitting them to Kinship Circle. Thank you so much for your time and commitment to animals!

1. Briefly describe the case you are researching.

2. Volunteer Contact Info

Fields with asterisk * are required. Kinship Circle uses your contact info privately to maintain its volunteer list and personally communicate.

Do you want to be credited as a Kinship Circle Researcher when an alert is published?

3. Target Contacts

List all the information you have for each decision-maker related to this animal abuse case.

Additional Contacts
If you have more than 6 decision-makers to target for this alert, separately stack each in a block, listing Name, Title, Company/Agency, Address, City, State, Country, Phones, Email, Social Media and Web Links, Source of Information.

4. Concise Overview Of Animal Cruelty

  • Brief summary of what happened, where, animals harmed…
    • Any website name and URL that you used for background info.
    • News story title and link used for background info.
    • Animal organization name and link used for background info.
    • Any industry, government or other names/links used for info.

5. Sample Letter/Comments

Not Required! But if you like to write…

  • Please strive for lean, fact-based points, minus melodrama and strong emotion.
  • Get great tips about how to make an influential argument on behalf of animals: Writing With I-M-P-A-C-T

confirmation code

Kinship Circle

Kinship Circle

Pup rescue, George McKeehan. (c) Kinship Circle
Chile Quake, Cheri Deatsch. (c) Kinship Circle

Kinship Circle Cheat Sheet. To best represent our nonprofit organization, reference this cheat-sheet for soundbites and links to what Kinship Circle does.

Identity Blurb: Kinship Circle is a nonprofit focused in: Animal Advocacy, Education and Disaster Rescue. We work in the U.S. and abroad to aid animal victims in disasters, plus take action for all hurt by human greed, cruelty and hate.

  1. Investigative Research & ActionKinship Circle is an animal advocacy organization that provides action alerts, news, articles and downloadable literature as tools to rally activists worldwide. We pursue animal defense/liberation via reforms in legislation, industry and culture. Our founding focus is investigative research and action campaigns to end cruel practices and enforce animal protection laws.

    Kinship Circle believes in moral equity for animal beings and human beings. We unite against oppression — inherent in any system that lets a superior class take power and privilege from those deemed inferior. The same framework that permits human supremacy to own, torture and murder animal beings, lets white supremacy persecute humans witlessly ranked with lower value. We seek self-will and rights for all animal and human beings. We oppose acts of cruelty, violence, bigotry and hate.

  2. Education ToolsKinship Circle advocates education as a pathway change. We produce free, downloadable literature for use in academic settings, leafleting, presentations, student projects… We speak for companion animals, wild animals, and animals used in fashion, entertainment, food, and research industries. Our online library spans most animal issues, with over 50 different handouts.

  3. Disaster RescueKinship Circle Disaster Animal Response Team (KC-DART) is an all-volunteer nonprofit, activated by request when primary emergency resources are depleted. We work in agreement with officials and nonprofits to offer skill, stamina and leadership — in a spirit of cooperation that best serves animals. Volunteers reflect a range of training and certification in areas such as:
    • Search-Rescue, Field Operations
    • Veterinary Skills/Certification
    • Crisis Sheltering Care And Management
    • Water/Boat Rescue, Firefighter/EMT
    • Large Animal Rescue, Technical Rescue
    • Food/Water (shelter-in-place) Programs
    • Wild Animal Rehabilitation…

    To view photos, video and field logs from Kinship Circle disaster missions, visit: Global Animal Aid and USA Animal Aid. Follow us on Facebook to stay current with Disaster Watch and Deployment News as it unfolds. We cover animal victims in natural disasters and war zones, with info about ways you can help.
Watch Kinship Circle videos on YouTube

contacts and content

U.S. Law Enforcement
Pigs are intensively confined on factory farms, Kinship Circle Pigs are intensively confined on factory farms, Kinship Circle

More Contacts And Content

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all hurt by greed, cruelty and hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

ST. LOUIS MO 63130

TAX-DEDUCT ID20-5869532


In kinship, not dominion, each individual is seen. We do not use the rhetoric of slavery. To define animals as unique beings Guardian, Caregive, Him/Her/They… replace Owner, Own, It… Until moral equity and justice serve all — no one is free.