Katrina Stories

She died with her furry soulmate, rather than leave him alone in the storm 400x394

She Cannot Say Good Bye

It is a comfortable little place – their home and it is paid for, cozy, and theirs alone. Just the two of them, therein, reside an older lady and the aging canine.

Listening to the radio, as the storm grew, tears well in her eyes, upon hearing the news. She gazes at her friend, and he regards her too. Reporters say everyone must now go, she was to pack only what she needed from home.

She shakes her head and wonders, didn't they know that folks like her had no means to get away and no car of their own? But officials called to say public transport would stop by; they'd take her and her things, but her beloved friend could not ride.

Tears fall as thunder and lightning rent the damp air. Her friend pads over, then leans against her, there in her chair. Sensing her sadness, the old dog wags his tail. As the wind past their porch swells to a wail he reaches up and reassuringly licks her hand. And as he has always, by her side, he will stand!

She sobs at his sweet, loyal gesture, for he does not know that on this journey, her dearest friend will not go. They had weathered life's storms and both grown gray. She worries as they were never long away from the other.

She rises slowly when she hears the knock on the door. A man takes her bags, saying, "I'm sorry, ma'am, it's now or never – we can wait no more."

When the old dog follows her, she says "No, go inside where it's safe." His expression is one of bewilderment and hurt, as rain pelts his face. When she steps into the bus, she hears him whimper and cry. She cannot turn around to him. She cannot say good bye.

She studies the man who holds her bags, then she steps off the bus.

When she reaches her friend, she says, "No future is as important as the gift that is us."

She bends down happily crying, to embrace her furry soulmate. "The worst storm ever is near, but you will not have to wait." Later, as the night explodes around them, and she draws him snug to her side, he lifts his fuzzy head, stares lovingly at her and she contentedly sighs.

For on this, their last journey, the two would be together always…now…and forever

Dedicated to a future where, in a disaster, we will not be torn apart from our furry kin! Copyright 9/25/2005
by Kathy Pippig Harris