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A Thanksgiving Homecoming



Today, I Give Thanks...

For the prospect of hope and the nerve to dream of a world with less violence and hate.

Mandy, Baby Noah, Isaiah, Rebekkah, Cleveland

I give thanks for those who sleep safely... Pulled from a puppy mill, rescued from floodwaters, claimed from death row, and saved from the streets. For their bottomless love, left in whispers and wet kisses.

Today I give thanks for the recognition of life in vacant eyes. For infinite food left in ravaged cities and the glimmer of water in countless pans. I thank their rescuers and recall untold mercy, selfless and vast.

Today I give thanks for the promise of a warm lap, despite hurricanes and floods. And I look to a world where laws can change. Where empathy prevails... And hope rebounds in the eyes of each animal.

Today, I give thanks to all of you!


Happy, humane holidays! From Kinship Circle

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���The Gentle Barn
���Kinship Circle

PHOTOS: Courtesy of Kinship Circle

A Thanksgiving Homecoming
FROM: The Gentle Barn
While rescuing this year's Thanksgiving turkeys (we saved the last four), we couldn't help but notice the horrific conditions in which the other animals lived. Unable to stomach what we saw, we came home with two of the ten cows in the worst shape�and pregnant.

When they got to The Gentle Barn, one of the cows seemed inconsolably distraught. She tried to get out of the pen, paced, sweated, and mooed as though screaming for someone. Throughout the first night, she kept crying out, barely pausing to take a breath.

At first, we thought her stress was from missing the animals she'd left behind or feeling unsure in her new surroundings. By morning, when her cries had not stopped, we realized something worse was going on. We also noticed her utter was full now and she was expressing milk. When we called back to the place we rescued her from, our fears were confirmed. She'd been separated from her calf, and her baby was to be sold that day�for slaughter. We demanded they release the baby to us, knowing this cow would otherwise die of heartbreak�and they agreed�small miracles!

Back at The Gentle Barn with the calf, his mom heard his voice and practically broke through the pasture fencing to get to him. When we led her tiny baby to her, the calf collapsed on the ground. As mama licked him and nuzzled him with the gentlest touch, he got up. While her baby nursed, for the first time in 12 hours, the mom let out a long moo, like the biggest sigh of relief. Now that her baby is with her, she hasn't made a single sound. She is happy and at peace, and the two will never be separated again.

The place has been cited and is in the process of being shut down � but there are still seven cows we're desperately trying to get out, before they are slaughtered. There are two pregnant cows, one with a calf, and four calves who have been weaned. We need to raise $5,000 to save them, transport them to The Gentle Barn, and welcome them into our program � teaching people kindness and compassion to animals. Please help us get them out before it's too late�No amount is too small! What a great holiday gift for yourself or someone you love.

CLICK HERE for more information about The Gentle Barn or to make a donation for the cows.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all hurt by greed, cruelty and hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

ST. LOUIS MO 63130

TAX-DEDUCT ID20-5869532


In kinship, not dominion, each individual is seen. We do not use the rhetoric of slavery. To define animals as unique beings Guardian, Caregive, Him/Her/They… replace Owner, Own, It… Until moral equity and justice serve all — no one is free.