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ARCHIVE - Save Gray Wolves From Bush Admin's Kill Plan



Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, Department of the Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
ph: 202-208-3100
web mail:

Public Comments Processing, Attn: RIN 1018-AW37
Division of Policy and Directives Management
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 222
Arlington, VA 22203
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RE: Docket FWS-R6-ES-2008-0008 / RIN 1018-AW37
Gray Wolves Belong on the Federal Endangered Species List

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal to remove Northern Rocky Mountain gray wolves from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife is a last-ditch gift to logging, drilling and hunting industries.

This reckless bid permits Northern Rockies states to slaughter almost 1,000 gray wolves during the initial year alone. Please register my firm opposition to the Bush Administration's irresponsible management of endangered wildlife. I implore the Interior Department to uphold rigorous federal protection for wolves.

The fate of gray wolves should not be handed over to the states. Wolf pups continue to succumb to disease and park biologists estimate a diminishing number of Yellowstone wolves this year. State-sanctioned killing would once again drive gray wolves to the verge of extinction.

Projected kill quotas reflect a lack of thought about repercussions. Idaho okays the slaughter of over 400 wolves in the first year. Wyoming's recent agenda authorizes killing over half the wolves beyond national park borders.

Moreover, biologists claim at least 2,000-3,000 wolves are essential to recovery. Shortsighted federal recovery goals do not concur with scientific findings. In fact, last July a federal judge determined that the present plan is flawed. The rule change would make a bad plan even worse. In Wyoming, for example, the revised strategy calls for 88% of the state to be designated a predator zone.

Instead of chipping away at gray wolf restoration, the Fish and Wildlife Service must advocate an inclusive management plan for the lower-48 states. Please do not strip current safeguards for wolves, unless a revitalized national plan — in which all Northern Rockies states support survival over slaughter — is ready to put into practice.

Thank you,

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UPDATE: 3/6/09, Wolves Lose - Interior Sec. Salazar Removes Protection
SOURCE: 3/14/09 — Gray Wolves To Be Removed From Endangered Species List

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said he'd uphold the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's decision to remove gray wolves from the federal endangered list in the Northern Rockies and the western Great Lakes. Wolves would remain a federally protected species in Wyoming... But management will be turned over to state agencies in Montana, Idaho and parts of Washington, Oregon and Utah...Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

The Obama administration had ordered a review of the decision made by the Bush administration shortly before departing. Salazar said he had concluded that dropping the wolf from the list was justified by its strong comeback in the two regions, which together have a population of nearly 5,600 wolves. Sen. Barbara Boxer, the Calif. Democrat who chairs the Environment and Public Works Committee, promised to investigate whether Salazar's decision is consistent with the Endangered Species act... Environmental groups immediately pledged a lawsuit over the estimated 1,600 wolves in the Northern Rockies...

Idaho and Montana already have plans for public hunts... Idaho Gov. C.L. Butch Otter repeated his desire to get the first available wolf hunting tag. "The fish and game population is really counting on a robust population of trophy animals to maintain that part of our economy," he said.

UPDATE: Obama Gives Gray Wolves Their Lives Back
11/25/08: Save Gray Wolves From Bush Admin's Kill Plan
NOVEMBER 2008 KC DIGEST: Animals Would Like President-Elect Barack Obama To Know…
9/29/08 UPDATES / AUG - OCT: Bush Admin VS. Gray Wolves: GOP Losing
2/29/08 UPDATES / APRIL - JUNE: Gray Wolf Hunts Planned After De-Listing

1/21/09 — Obama Freezes Pending Federal Rules, Wolves May Benefit
WASHINGTON, DC (ENS) - In one of his first presidential acts, President Barack Obama has ordered federal agencies to halt all pending regulations until his administration can review them… The freeze halts publication of federal regulations planned under the Bush administration but not yet published in the Federal Register. Wildlife conservationists say the freeze will possibly prevent the removal of gray wolves from the federal endangered species list in Montana, Idaho, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and also in portions of Washington, Oregon, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio…

Gray wolves are gone from over 95% of their historic range, including on millions of acres of national forests, national parks and Bureau of Land Management public lands whose ecological health has suffered in the absence of wolves… In the northern Rocky Mountains, wolf numbers are too low and populations too fragmented to ensure long-term survival…

The Fish and Wildlife Service and its predecessor agency were responsible for the extermination of wolves throughout much of the 20th century on behalf of the livestock industry… Under an exception to the Endangered Species Act, Fish and Wildlife Service actions have resulted in the federal killing of 931 wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains and at least 1,951 wolves in the Great Lakes region from 1996 through 2008…

Fend off the Bush Administration's 11th Hour Attacks
Bush Administration Takes Aim at Endangered Species
Docket Title: Designating the Northern Rocky Mountain Population of Gray Wolf as a Distinct
Population Segment and Removing This Distinct Population Segment From the Federal List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife

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